Study Buddy By adminSeptember 14, 2019September 14, 2019News Come in on Tuesday for Study Buddy! Join a York University Student Centre Room that is booked specifically for studying. If Free Food and Snacks isn’t a good enough incentive for you to study, we don’t know what is!? PausePlay% buffered00:0000:00UnmuteMuteDisable captionsEnable captionsSettingsCaptionsDisabledQualityundefinedSpeedNormalCaptionsGo back to previous menuQualityGo back to previous menuSpeedGo back to previous menu0.5×0.75×Normal1.25×1.5×1.75×2×4×PIPExit fullscreenEnter fullscreen Play
2 thoughts on “Study Buddy”
Do you still do the Study Buddies event?
Do you still offer the Study Buddy Program at York University?